prakhesar's blog

your internet zip code

ever since I competed against the best in the world in robotics, I've yearned for high energy & highly ambitious people to surround myself with. I used to compete with the brightest & most competitive minds all around the world, but that all disappeared overnight.

I didn't get to be around the same types of people in university, partially due to covid. and a few years ago, I was getting a bit frustrated with where I was at in life. I knew I was destined (and wanted) to do something significant, but all around me were people that were comfortable & satisfied with where they were at [1].

I knew I had to change my environment, so I started to make friends with books. I spent a ton of time 'hanging out' with the greats - from roman emperors like marcus aurelius, to astronomer carl sagan, and some of the best storytellers of our generation. but I lacked the connection and ability to speak with them directly.

my physical zip code forced me into a situation where no one physically around me cared for the same things that I cared for. so the next logical step I made was to change my internet zip code.

I went from being a ghost online to regularly posting and interacting with the greatest minds of our generation. I've reconnected with some robotics competitors, spoken to some of my idols, and I've met people I probably would have never crossed paths with otherwise. everyday I log on see people getting after it, and I've been feeding off that energy.

we all live online in some shape or form, and internet zip codes level the playing field.

[1] the sake of this isn't to argue what someone should want out of life. different people will want different things, and that's fine.