prakhesar's blog

you are not a laundry machine

laundry machines are really simple. you put in a bunch of clothes, click a few buttons, and hopefully come out with a washed or dried set of clothes.

but how does a laundry machine know when the clothes are ready to be taken out?

it doesn't. it would be way too complex for existing systems to incorporate this. you would have to figure out how to "sense" how washed or dried the clothes are. instead, to circumvent this, we're given extra settings to figure out how washed or dried our clothes should be. we decide based on the number of clothes, colour, or texture - but there's no guarantee that the settings we choose will thoroughly complete our load. this is called an open loop system - there is no feedback mechanism.

that's where the human brain works entirely differently. our outputs feed into our inputs. we are given some sensory input based on our environment, and then we can take actions on that sensory input. our actions create new inputs for the brain to learn from, and create even better actions. it's a closed loop system - our outputs feed into and become our new inputs.

improve the quality of your input, and learn from the quality of your output. it's the shortest path to a vicious positive feedback loop.

robots & AI are trying to solve exactly this problem now. the fundamental change will be that the machines we use on a day to day basis will be operating on a completely closed loop system.