prakhesar's blog

the tech job market

no one can really sugar coat the fact that the tech market is rough right now. though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hyper bullish on the future.

we have barely started to climb the kardashev scale, the internet was invented about 50 years ago, and the device you use most didn't exist 15 years ago. we are in our infancy stages with developing technology (software & hardware), we have a long way to go before we reach Mars, and an even further way before we solve our energy problem.

anyone even remotely interested in tech should try to zoom out a few decades as a thought experiment. there's so much that we need to build. there's so much talent that we need to harness. there's going to be even more jobs in the future - jobs that don't exist today.

there are so many problems that we have as a species that can and will be solved with building new & better technology. we'll need humans to make that happen.

we're in a renaissance era but just don't know it for sure yet. our descendants will look back on these years as some of the most foundational in all of human history.