prakhesar's blog

the last time you did something for the first time

when was the last time you did something for the first time?

as a child, everything is a new experience - you care for the thing that's directly in front of you, and nothing else. whether that's a friend to play with, a lego set, or just learning how to crawl. you probably didn't think further ahead than 5 minutes.

you grow up a little, you learn to walk, and you're suddenly thrown in school. a new experience, but you're forced to expand your time horizon from a few minutes to ~8 hours. you aren't just thinking about the thing in front of you anymore.

you grow up a little more, and you start to gain friendships, have to study for exams, and start to pick up different hobbies. you start to pick and choose your experiences, and your time horizon expands to weeks and months.

eventually you become an adult - where you're expected to think on the order of years and decades. your friendship length is measured in years, your family planning is measured in decades, and so is your career. these experiences are familiar longer than they are novel to you.

it's pretty easy to stop seeking new experiences along the way. you are a creature of habit. you can only experience something for the first time once - your first kiss, the first time you shot a basketball, the first time you picked up a book, or the first time you had a slice of pizza. getting older means that you have less things that you can experience, so you typically need to work harder to try new things out.