prakhesar's blog

the best morning routine

I used to be the guy with the longest morning routine. here's what I would do every morning:

...and then I would start working. I basically spent 3 hours every morning just preparing for my work day.

after a few months of doing this, I realized it was pretty ridiculous. the most important thing I had to do in my day was done 3 hours after waking up! I woke up early just to do everything except that.

here's what my morning routine looks like now:

the human brain is primed for doing the best work in the morning. there's plenty of space in the rest of the day for wellness activities [2]

just win your morning and get the most important thing done. the rest of the day is so much more pleasurable.

[1 I'll do these walks if I haven't already planned my day. I use it as time to brainstorm the rest of my day.

[2] unless, obviously, it's your most important thing