prakhesar's blog

technology can solve anything

since the dawn of humankind, little progress had been made when looking at a single human lifetime. it was likely the case that many generations lived & died without creating a single new piece of technology, and relied on the knowledge their ancestors created. in fact, there was a period of the medieval ages where there was a consensus that all the knowledge in the world that had to be created, was already created. clearly, they were wrong.

it didn't really occur until our lifetimes where knowledge and technologies are created at a consistent & fast rate. remember - just 15 years ago, the blackberry was the top phone. we now have super computers in our pocket that can chat with AI over the internet, and have rockets that fly into space and land back on earth.

it baffles me on how people aren't optimistic about the future. we're in a renaissance age where we desperately require technology to democratize standards of living, and we have people shouting from the roof tops to stop. it's really easy to complain about what's going on in places like Congo, but what is the solution if it isn't creating new technology? do we just pause everything and stop all technology output for an indefinite period of time? that would destroy humanity.

the way out is to build robots. it's to prevent humans from doing jobs like mining in the first place. we need more technology, not less - there isn't a single problem in the world that more technology can't solve.

being anti-technology and anti-progress is being anti-knowledge.

knowledge is created. it isn't received from the heavens.