prakhesar's blog

specialization is for insects

my father lived an interesting life. he grew up in the farmlands of india where he tended to his crop, fished, and played in the dirt. he left for boarding school & got a degree in engineering shortly after. he was an agricultural engineer for a bit, but then got married & had kids. he wanted a better life, so he dropped everything and came to canada.

his career path was anything but linear - he started trucking which kept him on the road for weeks at a time, dabbled with radio station work, became an insurance agent, and now does financial advisory. he spends most his days gardening, working out, walking, and hanging out with friends & family.

that's the life of a 65 year old human summed up in a few sentences. he gained the wisdom of many fields, interacted with thousands of humans, and restarted from 0 many times in his life.

compare that to the life of an insect; they eat, mate, and sleep.

the key difference between humans and insects is that humans have the ability to create knowledge & imagine new realities. insects simply cannot do either of these things, so they are stuck as foragers forever.

we are able to translate skills from one domain to another, and restart our lives on a whim. you can simply wake up one morning and decide to start something completely new in life. we have evolved to the point where our lives are long enough and we have lots of technology to aid us in doing whatever it is that we want to do.

anyone reading this has the library of alexandria in their pockets; the knowledge we need to achieve our goals is readily accessible to us at any moment.

don't box yourself in. specialization is for insects.