prakhesar's blog

my strategies for deep work

deep work has undoubtedly changed my life trajectory, and it's one of those skills that can apply to anyone, anywhere. it just takes a little bit of humility and discipline - I promise you that you will receive outsized returns if you implement deep work in your day to day life. I wrote the below as a reminder to self and a mini-guide for anyone interested.

Cal Newport defines deep work as "a state of distraction-free concentration when your brain works at its maximum potential".

when I look back at my life at a high level, I notice that there is a strong correlation between conducting deep work, and a sense of fulfillment. the years that I sat around not doing much on the hedonic treadmill or just through shallow work are some that I almost regret.

I remember in highschool/early university it was almost a flex to have a job where you don't do anything. some old friends still have that same mentality. and that's OK if that's your thing, it just isn't mine. I hold the belief that work is a necessary part of the human experience. I try not to hang out with people who are anti-work since they're largely too pessimistic.

I'm still not perfect with my deep work routine and sometimes my monkey brain will take control - but I know it's a real superpower in a world where everyone is distracted. if you can hone in and really focus, you can accomplish just about anything that you want to.

my techniques: